Did you ever wanted to lose some weight? Maybe 5, maybe 10 pounds? Most of us surely did and know how hard it is to make some little change.
Lexi and Danny Reed wanted to lose weight, too. And they did. But not only 5, 10 or 15 pounds.
Lexi and Danny Reed decided to change their entire life and went on an incomparable journey, on which they found themselves, each other and became inspiring idols for over one million people.
What did they do, what makes them so inspiring and how much weight did they lose? Just lean back and enjoy the wonderful story of their life.
1. Early habits

Lexi has always been overweight. Even though she never wanted this fact to take over her happy life, she always wanted to lose weight. But after all attempts to reach a healthy weight level, Lexi always got back to the point she started off.
Lexi’s unhealthy lifestyle started long ago and years before she met Danny. When Lexi talks about her childhood, she reveals details of bad nutrition habits at her parent’s home.
When Lexi got 25 years old, she almost weighed in 400 pounds and her weight started to heavily impede her. She wanted nothing more than a change.
2. A lovestory begins

Lexi has always been a positive and sociable person. So she met Danny Reed and he was her best friend for about 10 years.
They fell in love and Danny always supported his girlfriend. But also Danny had weight issues and used to live an unhealthy lifestyle. He weighed in about 280 pounds.
Together Lexi and Danny could easily stick to their eating habits. They used to go to fastfood restaurants, ordered food, or spent hours at all-you-can-eat buffets. They continued and established their lifestyles. Unfortunately, this led to further weight gain instead of loss, which is what they both wanted.
3. Nothing but eating

Lexi and Danny loved each other, but also got increasingly limited considering activities other couples use to do. They could not even go on long walks. So Lexi and Danny stayed home, ate and watched tv.
Lexi has always been a happy and positive girl, but she knew that their whole life needed a heavy change. But she did not know what to do or how to turn her life around.
They were in a situation that had become hopeless for both of them. They wished for a change, but had no idea where to start. But then something fateful happened.
4. What should be the most wonderful day in her life…

Finally, Danny made a marriage proposal and of course Lexi said yes. Danny never saw her weight, he always listened to her heart. So she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world for him at the most important day in their lives, the wedding day.
But a new issue turned up. It was nearly impossible to find a wedding dress that was big enough for Lexi to fit in. Because by the time of the proposal, Lexi weighed in about 485 pounds.
The search for the wedding dress was the sheer horror and changed something in her way of thinking.
5. The big day

Searching for and finding the perfect dress for the wedding is one of the biggest dreams most girls come across their young lifes. „But for me, it was not pleasent at all.“ Lexi explained. “I did not feel like a bride and was nearly giving up on searching.“
Even though it was very difficult, Lexi finally found a wedding dress and married Danny. But after the wedding, some big questions crossed their way.
What if Lexi and Danny would like to have a baby? Would this be possible with Lexi’s heavy weight? Would it be harmful to her or the baby?
6. Ordinary things

Having children was surely a major issue. But even smaller things seemed to be out of reach.
Lexi always loved the story of Harry Potter and ever since she heard of this place, she wanted to visit Harry Potter’s Wizarding World at Universal Studios park in Orlando. Other people just go on a plane. But Lexi came across some insurmountable issues.
She did not fit in a normal plane seat. But even if she had gotten there, she would not have been able to go on the rollercoasters because of her size. A deep sadness came over her at the thought of how much her weight was limiting her life.
7. Happy anniversary!

During the first year of marriage nothing really changed. The young couple still spent most of their time at home.
They had become so accustomed to their comfortable lifestyle that it seemed almost impossible to break out of these beloved habits. Neither of them had a clue where to start.
Lexi still loved her husband, and she never gave up her positive attitude. But deep down inside, she knew there had to be a major change. But still she did not know where to start. Very soon a major change came across her life. At that time, however, they had no idea how much their lives would change.
8. New year, fresh start?

Resolutions at the beginning of a year seemed to be a nice start to change something. With a vision of a completely different, healthier, better, longer, happier life together with Danny, on New Years Day in 2016 Lexi decided it was time for some major steps in her life.
She knew she had Danny to support her. But at first glance, Danny was not that into the idea of going on a healthy journey.
But of course he wanted to support his wife’s project, and he also knew it was better for both of them. Even small efforts like climbing stairs had become a challenge.
9. Stronger together

At first Lexi’s idea of living healthier lifestyle did not sound any good to Danny. Beeing home and sitting in front of the tv while eating has always been a pleasent routine. He simply did not want to come out of his comfort zone.
But of course he wanted to support his wife, and he knew that a change was important and the best they could do for their health.
In the meantime Danny had developed a real fear of doctors, after one had already told him that he urgently needed to lose weight. Danny felt pressured and did not know how to act.
10. Ok, let’s bet!

When some of the couple’s friends heard about the New Year’s resolutions, they wanted to bet with them. So Lexi and Danny promised to follow some new principles within the upcoming month.
They were not allowed to eat out or to have any kind of cheat meal and they were not supposed to drink soda or alcohol. Additionally, they had to take some workouts at least half an hour five times a week.
Lexi and Danny had the strength that it takes to make the changes and went on to a whole lifechanging journey. It was exhausting for both of them, but it still felt like an adventure together.
11. I am fed up with this!

Lexi and Danny finally reached the turning point. They got fed up with staying at home, eating crap and beeing unable to do things that other people simply take for granted. Getting on an airplane, riding a bike, going on a walk with Danny: For a very long time these everyday normal activities were just impossible to do for Lexi.
But it was not just only the thought of being more active. She knew she needed a change to become a mother one day and to live a long and fullfilling life with Danny.
Finally she had found enough reasons for herself to go ahead with her lover. It’s now or never!
12. Workout

As Lexi and Danny promised to their friends, they started to workout. Therefore the couple enrolled at a gym in their home town. Although it was very hard for Lexi, she went there every day to workout for 30 minutes.
The couple did not even have a personal trainer but a clear vision and a strong will to make their dream come true. Even though Lexi suffered from joint pain caused by her problematic weight, she did not stop and continued to workout hard every day.
Together they found it easier to stick to the strict rules. Whenever one of them thought about giving up, the other motivated him.
13. The right gym

Finding a nice place to workout was not easy. Lexi worried about what other people might think when they saw her exercising. So the couple need to find a nice place to feel comfortable.
She worried that slimmer women might say mean things about her behind her back or secretly take pictures. People could be nasty, both she and Danny had made this experience several times before.
But beeing conscious about other people’s thoughts was not the only problem. They needed to find a gym with the right equipment for Lexi’s heavy weight. One day they found the perfect gym.
14. Better Nutrition

Going to the gym only has been the first part of living a healthier life. They also learned about good nutrition and healthy eating. So they stopped eating at fastfood restaurants, order food or going out for dinner and started to prepare their food themselves.
They read books on healthy eating and took notes on all important things.
The young couple supported each other unconditionally. They had fun cooking together, preparing their groceries for the next day and having a good dinner together. Of course they only ate things, that could support their weight loss, even though dispensing all delicious temptations was not easy at all.
15. New Life vs. Just a diet

Preparing good and healthy food became a steady part in this challenging month. Together with their regularly workout routine it has been a major change towards a better life.
To the couple, their whole new lifestyle was no longer just a bet with their friends a short term challenge, but it became a new lifestyle. Eating good things was no longer a diet, but a new way of life.
Lexi really wanted healthy eating to be a steady part of her life. So she started to reflect on her nutrition and turned her favourite meals into healthier versions. This made the change way easier for her.
16. We strenghten our backs!

Lexi and Danny lived a very destructive life for so many years! So for them, a change must have been very hard.
But they had each others unconditional support. The journey still was hard, but together they went stronger, they made promises and helped each other to keep them. They motivated each other.
Lexi and Danny kept the promise, they made to their friends and the month went by. Time flew by and with time it became even easier to keep to the new rules and habits. Some of these new to-do’s had even become a little bit fond of them.
17. It ain’t over yet!

Lexi and Danny just went on and straight walked on the new path of healthy eating, being more active, taking workouts and motivating each other. What once started as a bet with close friends and a short term challenge, now became a whole new lifestyle.
Very soon the first results and major changes were noticable. Lexi took different classes at the gym where she encountered new people. Fortunately, the rejection that she had feared from the others did not come true.
Some of them became close friends and the couple had even more support.Finally, this new lifestyle started to be fun.
18. You go, girl!

Lexi’s body started to change quick within the first time. She lost about 20 pounds a month! After this big step, the change needed even more work. But Lexi went on, ate healthy, took her workouts, counted calories, further established the new habits.
She even let go of her negative thoughts about other people staring at her while she trained at the gym. She got to a whole new mindset.
And that was exactly what she needed. She changed the attitude she had towards her body and started to think about herself in a friendly way. Danny liked his wife fantastically before, but he also saw how much she changed.
19. Danny’s journey

Lexi made great progess. But Danny did that, too! He and Lexi ate good things, prepared their meals, cooked and ate together and motivated each other to go to the gym. Soon these changes started to show up in Danny’s health, too.
It was just unbelievable: Within only one year Danny lost nearly 100 pounds and reached a total weight of 190 pounds by the end of 2017. Together the couple went on and really started to live the active life, they did dream of.
They were infinitely proud of the results they had achieved together in a relatively short time. Together they were strong!
20. First time at the restaurant

The first time Lexi realized the major change her body has been trough, came across her when the couple went to a restaurant the first time after they started their journey. This place the couple used to visit regularly before their life changed. Lexi remembered how her stomach used to rest on the table by this time. Now there was so much space.
She could hardly grasp this fact and took a photo of the gap that could now be seen between her body and the table.
The changes Lexi went through were so huge and her transformation was so amazing. By the time of May 2018, she reached 312 pounds.
21. Share your story

Lexi reached for new ways to express herself and to find more support. That’s why she started an Instagram account in autumn 2016. She started to document her journey on a daily basis, to motivate herself and to support other people. She calls her page „Fat girl fed up“.
Today, 1,2 million people follow her instagram account and admire her unbelievable before and after posts. This account shows how Lexi transformed her mindset, her entire life and her body within only two years.
The reason for her many followers is that an unbelievable number of people suffer the same fate as she does. And all of them dream of such weight loss.
22. Social media success

Soon the community went crazy about Lexi’s and Danny’s story. It has been made public by different news and tv shows in america. The couple even got interviewed by Rachel Ray and were asked to share their thoughts about healthy nutrition.
Although Lexi and Danny are followed by so many people who admire them so much, they remained firmly down to earth. They just are thankful for the love, support and motivation they get from their community.
And finally they were perceived for what they really were. People with hearts and minds that had always been there just under a layer of fat. The story of the two motivated countless people to do the same.
23. A whole new life

Some time ago the young couple returned to the place, where Danny once proposed. It was at the beachside, and by the time Lexi weighed in nearly 500 pounds. Even a short walk by the water was too exhausting for her.
Remembering it was nice on the one hand because Danny had asked her to marry him, on the other hand it was really frightening with regard to their health.
Now the couple returned to this beach to celebrate her new life. Together they ran along the beach and remebered that this would have been absolutely impossible just some time ago. Together, Lexi and Danny lost over 400 pounds within about two years!
24. Harry is calling

Lexi’s body went through a huge transformation and now she fits into a normal airplane seat. So the couple one day went to Orlando to make some of Lexi’s biggest dreams come true: They finally visited the Harry Potter World at Universal Studios!
Now both Lexi and Danny lost so much weight they had fun on the rides there. The love they shared before their long journey is now even bigger and became deeper by sharing so much good activities and memories.
What once started as friendship, turned out to be a lovestory that made both of them so strong!
25. Finally free

Lexi always loved herself and remembered, that even with 485 pounds she has been a positive human being and always truly loved her life. But living with such a massive weight can sometimes make you feel like a prisoner within your own body. So many activities are just impossible for you, even if you want to do something.
Now Lexi lost this kind of burden, life is way much easier for her. Every day is like a victory over this prison and a reminder of how far you can come with a strong willpower. Continue reading.
26. Support for other

Thankful for all the love, support and motivation she received from her instagram community and social media, now Lexi loves giving advice to other people on the same journey, that is not over yet for her.
Lexi always gives advice to focus on small steps and every single day, because small decisions an minor steps lead to massive changes and everything you do adds up to huge results. She is against surgery or taking some kind of pills to reach a good health. The strength comes from ourselves and mentally you can achieve much more. Read more.
27. Broadcast yourself

To give more and deeper information about their lifestyle, Lexi and Danny started a YouTube channel. In a very down to earth, lovely and positive vibe they tell the followers about healthy eating, workout routine and give advice to anyone who is in need of.
In 2018, Lexi has been invited to the Screen Actors Guild Awards. People love her positive charisma and feel inspired by the story of her life. Lexi herself still is so impressed by herself and learned so much about herself her strong willpower, that made her able to lose about 300 pounds in about two years.
28. So thankful

Lexi recently told something about her feelings towards her new life. She said she still can’t believe how she saved her own life and that she still is grateful. Now she is not only existing in her body, now she is finally alive. She thinks about every new day as a blessing. It’s a great thought that every one of us should take in like this.
When Lexi is asked how she feels about the fact that she saved her own life through establishing a healthier lifestyle, she answers: „No words to explain!“. I just did.
29. Finally in the city of angels

In 2018 L’Orèal Paris and TNT Drama choosed Lexi to be honored and invited her and Danny to the Screen Actors Guild Awards. They choosed her to be one of the most strong and inspiring women of the year 2018.
The companies invited the couple and they were flown to Los Angeles to attend the awards in Hollywood. They stayed in a beautiful hotel and had a great vacation. Imagine, how overwhelming this must have been to them, considering some years ago Lexi would not have even fit into an airplane seat.
And guess what: Even during this vacation the couple maintained their workout routine!
30. Meal prep tips

Lexi loves to give advice to her community on instagram. One of the most important things to her ist to prepare your food at the very beginning of a new week. She likes to share her meals via instagram and shows nutrition, that is healthy and delicious.
Especially when it comes to holiday season, to Lexi it is important to control the amount you are eating, to plan meals and to swap some components.
Lexi likes to use simple nutrition components and no packaged or processed foods. This way she has control over what she ingests and can dose better.
31. A whole roundup

When swiping through Lexi’s instagram account, you can easily spot the secret of maintaining a healthy lifestyle on a long term basis.
The secret is to incorporate the new way of life into everything you do. For example, when you go on a trip, this does not mean to get out of your new healthy routine. You still can combine fun activities with good nutrition and some physical exercise. That’s why they still maintained their fitness routine even on their short vacation in Hollywood. Believe us, it will be worth it and it can be fun. The next point is about her workouts.
32. Workout tips

Besides talking about nutrition, Lexi and Danny also give advice to their community about their regular workout routine at the gym.
Lexi and Danny always find time to integrate their daily workout routine into their schedules and even social activities. So, before having a relaxing Friday date night, they go to the gym to train at least for 30 minutes. Lexi and Danny always focus on their journey and set new goals and reach them. Believe in yourself and fight the inner bastard.
One of their tips: Even if you don’t know how and when to exercise, do it!
33. On- and offline support

Establishing a healthier and more active lifestyle and changing eating habits is just the start of a long way to go. More of importance is to maintain this whole new lifestyle. A key to this is a strong support, which lexi is having online and via real life.
Lexi loves to post motivational pictures, videos and sayings on instagram, YouTube and facebook. She shares dietbet contests and loves to talk to her community. And her community loves it and response to this. In the different comment sections you can read about dozens of people who felt motivated through Lexi’s story and even got on a healthier life journey.
34. Birds of a feather look flock together

As said before, support via social media, friends and family is a big impact on maintaining the new lifestyle, Lexi and her husband once have set up. Another supportive factor is to have friends who not just only support, but who are on that same journey as well.
Lexi loves to surround herself with people from the gym or friends who also like to eat healthy and to workout to be inspired by their good habits and healthy lifestyles. These people do not only inspire Lexi. Direct social contacts make some tough phases easier for her and you can even have so much fun!
35. Slow it down a little

Exercising every day can be exhausting and even annoying sometimes. So Lexi and Danny take a rest day once a week, stay away from the gym and have a fun day together alone or with other people.
But as said before, they incorporate healthy habits into all they are doing. So they try to be active and to move as much as they can, even when they are not directly exercising. For example, they take a long walk or go swimming. This helps to maintain new habits, even if you take your time and slow things down a little from time to time.
36. Stay active

Once Lexi posted a nice picture, she and Danny kissing each other in front of a motorbike. This is another activity that would have been impossible for them before the year 2016 and the decisions and changes they made.
As said before, Lexi and Danny always try to find more and new activities, that incorporate both fun and high activity. So while experiencing new situations and trying new things, you stay active and maintain your new lifestyle. Try to see these changes not as short term projects, but as a whole new part of your life. Continue Reading.
37. Discovering Danny

We only talked about Lexi and her social media accounts. But Danny also is active on social media and holds an instagram account that he called „discovering danny“. He also documents his nutrition, shares meal preparation, gives motivational advices and tells about his long journey on the road to a healthier life.
Danny is also inspiring and in the different comment sections you can read about his followers experiences with their own journeys and how thankful they are for Danny and Lexi to share their lifes with the community.
You can also get an insight into Danny’s life in general, for example he shows his new tattoos.
38. Video Stars

As said before, Lexi and Danny share their lifes on their YouTube channel and yet have lots of great videos online. In one of these videos, they talk about their amazing vacation in Hollywood and Lexi being honored by L’Orèal Paris and TNT Drama at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.
Their Instagram Accounts are wonderful, but in Lexi’s and Danny’s YouTube Videos you will get a further insight in their lifes and you really get to know their lovely and charismatic personalities. You can really feel their lifestyle and that they truly incorporate their new habits into everything they do.
39. Lexi and Danny live on stage

Lexi and Danny are such amazingly inspiring people and have a huge social media community. Not surprisingly different tv shows spread their story and talked about it. Finally they were invented by some tv shows to talk about their own journey by themselves.
They were invited to The Today Show and shared their story. Megyn Kelly interviewed them in New York and wanted to know about their unbelievable weight loss of 400 pounds together total.
They were able to send their message: You don’t need surgery or pills, just a strong will and lovely people arround you!
40. Starting a family

Remember the beginning of our wonderful story: Lexi and Danny worried about Lexi’s dramatic weight and were not sure, if Lexi could be able to give birth to a child with nearly 500 pounds. Having a baby one day was one reason for Lexi to start her weight loss journey.
Now that Lexi, but also Danny, are both in a much better and healthy condition, they think about starting a family in very concrete terms. They also want to go on with helping and inspiring people.
So please help to inspire, and share the wonderful story of Lexi and Danny!