For dog owners, they understand that their dogs are so much more than pets, they are family members. That’s why the thought of a dog owner abusing their pet dog is unthinkable, tragic, and downright shameful. Unfortunately, it is a heartbreaking fact that animal cruelty happens everyday, all around the world.
The Rudozem Street Dog Rescue organization in Bulgaria has a mission to rescue dogs out of abusive situations and find them safe and loving homes. The story of how this organization rescued a sweet dog named Duke out of a terrifying situation will restore your faith in humanity.
1. Chained Up and Hopeless

This story begins in a life-threatening circumstance, as Duke stood chained up to a trailer in Bulgaria – lonely, hungry, and desperate for help. A neighbor reported that the dog had been chained up for ten days, living only on pieces of bread tossed to him by people walking past. The owner explained to the neighbors that the dog had a contagious disease and had no choice but to leave him there.
But something didn’t make sense to the neighbor. Even if the dog was sick, why leave him chained to a trailer to die? She decided to contact Rudozem Street Dog Rescue to see if they could help.
2. Rescuing Duke

Tony and Diane Rowles are the founders of Rudozem Street Dog Rescue, an organization in Bulgaria committed to rescuing abused and abandoned dogs. When they got the call about Duke, they were determined to help, even though their shelter was at full capacity. In their hearts, they knew they couldn’t let this dog just lay there until it died.
Duke was in rough shape when Tony came on the scene. He was weak, malnourished, and covered in flies. He could tell just by looking at him that the story about the contagious disease was completely false. This dog just desperately needed help.
Then, something unexpected happened.
3. A Glimmer of Hope

Tony approached Duke who was laying almost lifeless on the ground. He started talking to him and lightly petting him to gain his trust. What happened next was a heartwarming surprise.
Within just a few minutes, Duke was off the ground, wagging his tail, and licking Tony’s hand. It was clear that the hope of being rescued from this life-threatening situation had lifted Duke’s spirits. Duke knew instantly that he could trust Tony and willingly went with him.
Though the moment with Duke was heartwarming, Tony couldn’t help but notice something shocking about Duke’s legs during his rescue.
4. Settling into the Shelter

Because the shelter was completely full, Duke had to share a room with another rescue dog and rescue cat. For the first few days, Tony and Diane put Duke in a crate until he got used to his furry roommates. They could see that Duke was a young dog and estimated him to be around 10 months old.
Duke was quiet and timid as he got used to his surroundings and began the recovery process from undergoing such harsh abuse. He didn’t make a single noise and moved very slowly. He was a sweet, gentle pup who was grateful to be rescued from danger, but still had a long road of recovery ahead of him. The healing process was just beginning.
The next step was to visit the veterinarian to get Duke checked out. Tony’s biggest concern was Duke’s paws.
5. Happy and Free

Tony and Diane decided to wait a day before taking Duke to the vet for his first checkup. They wanted to gain his trust and put Duke in a more relaxed state of mind before taking him to get a full health examination.
It didn’t take long before Duke began to relax and be his happy self for probably the first time in his life. After being chained up against his will like a prisoner, Duke was loving his freedom. It gave Tony and Diane so much joy to see Duke happy after undergoing such horrendous, abusive treatment.
They didn’t know Duke long, but they could see he was a very special pup and already had a special place in Tony and Diane’s hearts.
6. At the Vet’s Office

Tony and Diane took Duke to the vet to get a full health examination. As you can see in the above photo, Duke’s front legs are quite deformed, which has been a concern of Tony’s. Tony’s assumption has been that Duke was born with the deformity and is hoping the doctors can help fix the problem.
The veterinarian explained that they will be running blood tests and taking x-rays as part of Duke’s examination. The shape of Duke’s front legs were of upmost concern to the doctor, especially because Duke seemed to be in pain when walking. The x-rays would give them more information on Duke’s condition.
Nothing could prepare Tony for the heartbreaking test results he was about to receive.
7. Heartbreaking Results

Duke went with the doctor to get his x-rays done, and Tony waited patiently to learn more about Duke’s condition concerning his legs. When Duke got back from his x-rays, he immediately cuddled back up to Tony for reassurance and comfort.
The results were in, and the veterinarian gave Tony shocking news. Duke’s leg deformity was not something he was born with, the x-rays give clear evidence that Duke’s legs and paws were purposefully crushed. Not an accident from a car, but from a heavy object applied with great force to harm Duke.
This level of abuse to such a gentle, defenceless dog was heartbreaking and incomprehensible to both Tony and Diane.
8. Duke’s Surgical Plan

The bones and ligaments in Duke’s paws and front legs were broken and shattered. Part of Duke’s deformity was also from Duke walking on broken legs for the past few months. All in all, the damage was extensive.
Though severely injured, the veterinary team was confident that Duke’s injuries could properly heal with surgical intervention. The process would be extensive, but it would mean a better quality of life for Duke in the long run.
The first step in the process would be applying splints to Duke’s legs for two weeks. The vet is hopeful that the splints will improve the deformity slightly before they perform the first surgery.
9. Duke in His Casts

Duke was an absolute champion during his procedure. The whole veterinary team fell in love with Duke’s sweet, gentle demeanor. All knowing his background and rescue story, the medical team was more determined than ever to help restore Duke’s legs to walk normally again and give him the long, happy life he deserves.
Pictured is Duke in his new casts. He can still walk with them on, but it will take some getting used to. The plan is to wear them for two weeks and check his improvement afterwards. Then, they can create a surgical plan to further correct his bones and ligaments.
10. Legs are Healing

The doctors slowly and carefully took off Duke’s casts to assess his injuries. Upon examination, they were happily surprised to see the legs already healing. Duke was making steady progress.
Because of Duke’s young age, being only around 10 months old, his body was still growing. That’s why the casts were so successful, because his bones are still somewhat malleable. For this reason, the doctors recommended to try another set of casts again before performing Duke’s first surgery out of multiple surgeries that would follow.
The team is optimistic about a positive outcome that will give Duke a happy, healthy life.
11. Check Out My New Casts

Nothing can keep this pup down. Duke is happy as can be, even with both legs in casts and wrapped up in bandages. The new casts are not as bulky as the first ones were. Duke can walk around easier and is already in a lot less pain than he was before medical intervention. He is well on his way to living his best life!
The veterinary team loves having Duke around. They all have a special bond as they come alongside Duke in his healing journey. Duke is lucky to have such a dedicated and loving medical team on his side.
12. Duke’s Surgery

A few weeks later, the day had finally come that Duke would have his first surgery to correct his legs. Duke understood that something was about to happen and was understandably nervous. Tony was also nervous about leaving Duke overnight at the vet, but knew that Duke was in the best hands he could be in.
Many people online had heard Duke’s story and had fallen in love with the sweet pup with a rough past. Fortunately for Rudozem Street Dog Rescue, people were making donations to support Duke’s surgery and medical needs. Without their donations, Duke could not get the help he so desperately needed.
13. Recovering Well

Duke was out of surgery and was doing better than Tony hoped or expected. Tony shared that when he went to pick up Duke from the vet, he was eager to go outside and roll around in the grass and flowers! Almost like he didn’t go through any major surgery.
Tony and Diane made sure to lessen Duke’s physical activity as much as they could during Duke’s recovery. It didn’t take long until Duke was well enough to play with the other dogs at the shelter again.
Duke’s story was hitting the hearts of thousands of people online – then something amazing happened.
14. Adoption Application for Duke

Duke was in and out of the vet’s office over the next few months for x-rays and checkups. His surgery was successful and Duke was making steady progress. The vet planned another surgery in the coming months to continue to straighten his legs.
Then, out of the blue, Rudozem Street Dog Rescue got an application from someone in the UK wanting to adopt Duke! This is what she shared online:
When I saw Duke on the RSDR website, my heart went out to him. I wondered whether he would have issues with his legs and paws in the future and if anyone else would want to adopt him when there were so many healthy dogs and puppies on the website. I knew I could give him a loving and comfortable home and deal with any health issues so I registered my interest.
15. Duke’s Improvement

Duke is showing remarkable improvement after his first surgery. Both his legs and paws look completely different compared to when Duke was first rescued. He can run and walk easier, and is not in any pain. Tony, Diane and the whole medical team are thrilled with Duke’s progress.
The UK woman interested in adopting Duke was willing to continue Duke’s medical treatment in the UK. But Tony and Diane decided it was best to continue his treatment at the veterinary clinic in Bulgaria, at least until he got the all-clear from the doctors.
He had one more surgery scheduled for January, which was just a few months away. After that, he could leave for his forever home.
16. Getting the All-Clear

Tony and Diane took Duke back to the clinic in January for what should have been his second surgery. After taking x-rays, the doctor determined that Duke didn’t require the surgery after all! His improvement exceeded everyone’s expectations and there was no need for the surgery to take place. He got an unexpected all-clear, and was ready to be adopted.
The veterinarian did advise that Duke will require ongoing medical check-ups and most likely will develop osteoarthritis because of the injuries he suffered, requiring another surgery in the long-term future.
But Duke’s adopter was willing to take on Duke’s medical needs and was thrilled to be getting her pup sooner than expected!
17. On His Way To His Forever Home

It was a bitter-sweet goodbye from Tony, Diane, and all the volunteers at Rudozem Street Dog Rescue in Bulgaria. Tony and Diane were deeply bonded with Duke after all they had been through with him, but they couldn’t be happier that he finally had a forever home. They knew the best was yet to come for Duke as he was getting adopted into a loving family.
Duke boarded the bus to the UK – a long, 3 day journey from Bulgaria. It would be a long journey, especially for an active pup, but it would all be worth it.
His adopter could hardly wait to finally have Duke home.
18. Home Sweet Home

Duke couldn’t be happier settling into his new forever home in England. Duke and his new owner hit it off immediately and are enjoying life together as a family. She couldn’t have asked for a sweeter pup.
Duke’s sad, abusive past is far behind him now. Now, all he knows is a safe, loving home with people who will take good care of him. The kind of life that every dog deserves. This story truly has the best happy ending!
If you love Duke’s story, consider adopting a dog in need or making a donation to your local animal shelter.