Graves convey a very important message. Although some of them are cold, others can be pretty, adorned with statues of angels, flowers or decorative elements.
The words written on a headstone are also very significant, as these few words are what the person who rests there will be remembered by. Anyone who passes by the tombstone can read the epitaph and get an idea of the person who is buried there.
However, not everybody wants to be remembered so seriously. As this funny list shows, there are people with too much of a sense of humor to pass their last opportunity to deliver a punchline. Take a look at these hilarious headstones, we are sure they’ll crack you up!
1. But you didn’t want to listen!

Dying of a disease can be a long and tiring process, not only for the sick person, but also for his entire family. Thus, it’s nice to see when people still manage to keep their sense of humor intact. Like this person right here, who found the perfect line to “go with a bang”.
Even during his final days, this person found the strength to laugh and leave a last funny message, presumably to his spouse, as if she hadn’t listened to him, as usual! After all, the most repeated line in a typical dialogue among two married people must be: “I told you so!”
2. Recognize the lyrics?

When you read these lyrics, it’s hard not to sing them out loud. And not only that: this song is one of those tunes that you can’t shake off easily.
We don’t know if this person was a big fan of the band Steam and their one-hit wonder, but to choose this song as an epitaph was simply brilliant. Usually, this song is played during sports events, city festivals and fairs. It helps to set a cheery mood and make people sing along.
Thus, we can imagine that, as this person’s coffin was being buried, family members and other people present also sang this upbeat song in unison, as a final good-bye.
3. For die-hard car fans

It’s a known fact that men love cars. As a matter of fact, some of them spend outrageous amounts of money to make their already pricey cars unique.
Whether it’s the best sound system, a special addition or a cool accessory, it’s amazing how much a car can be adapted to your personal needs.
Nevertheless, we think that this headstone has taken things to a whole new level, and that the love of this man for his BMW went a bit too far. As crazy as it looks, we must admit that this is one of the coolest tombs we have ever seen. This man must have been the ultimate car fan!
4. The one with the baking joke

Just from reading this epitaph, we can tell that this guy must have been teased about his last name until the day he died. Fortunately, his headstone also shows that he had a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself, which is a very healthy thing to do.
The joke itself is pretty well executed. We wonder if he went through a lifetime with this joke in the back burner, waiting for the perfect time to deliver it. We actually think he “baked” the joke for a long time. After all, that was the “yeast” he could do.
5. An original “Don’t disturb” sign

Talk about a sassy gal! We bet Joan Hackett had a dry sense of humor, or else she wouldn’t have picked this one-of-a-kind epitaph to be remembered by.
Usually, women tend to go for a more romantic message, such as “here lays Jane Doe, beloved mother and devoted wife“, but that was not Joan’s style.
Maybe she was one of those ladies who didn’t like the icky, yucky love stuff and preferred actions rather than words. Or maybe she didn’t see much of a point in visiting graves. Be that as it may, this headstone is pretty fun and original, don’t you think so?
6. Keep out!

Now, that’s clever! Despite the fact that we don’t think a person would like to join anybody to the “other side“, this guy went the extra mile to make sure nobody started getting new ideas when visiting his grave!
The message could also be a warning, reminding his friends and family that once you go that way, you can’t go back, so you must avoid it at all costs!
Either way, the wording in this headstone is everything, and this clever epitaph is just hilarious. Whether it’s a piece of advice or a warning, the way it’s put is pretty funny. Hey, better to be safe than sorry!
7. Not good enough

The person buried here seems to have known that his final wishes wouldn’t be fulfilled. And who can blame him for wanting a cool pyramid instead of a simple tombstone?
After all, the Egyptian Pharaohs were given monumental burial sites, and this guy felt he deserved one, too. Nevertheless, building a pyramid can be expensive. Thus, it’s understandable that the family decided to go for another choice.
However, we believe that they could have gotten a less common grave. Maybe in a different shape? A triangle, at least? Nevertheless, it seems like this guy knew his family pretty well, so he let them know how he felt at the very end.
8. Patience and love until the end

Women are known for taking a long time to get ready, and that includes long showers that require extra time in the bathroom for shaving, singing and putting on make-up, among other things. Thus, it is fair to say that having to share a bathroom with many women is not a walk in the park.
Nevertheless, the person who is buried here wanted to make something very clear: even though the bathroom had to be shared with their 4 daughters, their home was filled with love and happiness. When picturing the scenario in your head, it’s hard to believe his final words, isn’t it?
9. Love for tech

Anybody who witnessed the beginning of computers and the internet knows how important technology is and how much it has changed the entire world.
None of the current technological advancements would exist if it weren’t for the pioneers who spearheaded ambitious projects. Thus, we assume that this person, who was buried with a marble computer as a grave, was one of them. That, or he was a complete geek!
Kidding aside, such a site makes you want to bring some flowers and pay your respects, doesn’t it? After all, who should we thank for the world we now live in?
10. A smart play on words

Noah Escape, can you imagine going through life with such a name? Maybe the parents of this guy felt that it sounded cool, but surely it must have cost him a lot of bullying at school.
With your name being a wordplay like that, many people can’t resist to make a joke or tease you about it. Luckily, it looks like this guy took things lightly and had a great sense of humor, as he waited for his final good-bye to deliver this wonderful punch line: “Noah Escape, always felt trapped”.
Hopefully, the last part is not true. Or maybe now he is finally free to roam in the afterlife.
11. Looking for a quiet place?

When looking for a place to live, there are many things to take into consideration. However, most people settle for a nice, peaceful neighborhood. With that in mind, this guy thought that maybe someone would be interested in renting his grave.
After all, a cemetery is a great place to be. Think about it: lots of space, flowers everywhere, a well-kept garden and quiet neighbors. Believe us, you won’t find a place quieter than this.
Plus, it includes 24-hour security, landscaping services and the occasional blessing. What more can you ask for? This guy had it all figured out!
12. Burn, baby, burn!

Most poems are romantic, but this one is funny as hell. Yes, we know that having a spouse who nags can be a nuisance, but it is also a part of life. Thus, wanting them to be quiet for a second is normal.
However, this guy went the extra mile with the final words he wrote for his wife. He will never hear Dawn again, and he probably enjoys having some “me time” right now, but we bet he will start missing her voice at some point.
After all, this kind of epitaph shows that they both shared a dry sense of humor, and sharing a laugh must be hard to let go off.
13. A definite know-it-all!

A know-it-all is a person who acts as though he knows more than others, dismissing other people’s opinions. Some of these persons find joy in letting others know how much more they know about a certain topic, and even go the extra mile to let others know how ignorant they are.
Having said that, this guy, who decided to make it clear that now he surely knows more than any other in the afterlife, must have been a know-it-all.
To be honest, the epitaph is brilliant, funny and right on point. However, anyone who can see his reflection while reading this message also knows that, especially in this case, ignorance is bliss.
14. A creepy guy is sitting on my grave

We don’t really know who this sculpture represents, but this choice of gravestone is quite unique. By the way this man is dressed, he looks like a joker with a hat, a frilled collar and cowboy boots, but we are not sure. Either way, he looks pretty funny.
Also, the way he is sitting is kind of strange, as if he were bored or something. Maybe he is waiting for the spirit of whomever is buried to return, but hey, it may take an eternity! If at least he could crack a joke once in a while, time would pass faster.
15. Farewell, my friends

Is he coming or going? This statue certainly leaves us with some questions. We can’t really tell if this is a man who is waking up from a long nap, or if it is someone saying farewell before he submerges himself into his eternal sleep, never to wake up again.
The sculpture is almost romantic, if only it weren’t a tomb. Can you imagine walking by this cemetery at night, and then stumbling upon this sight? I would probably laugh, but more than a funny laugh it would be a nervous one, as it gives me the creeps. The person who asked for this gravestone must have had a pretty dark sense of humor!
16. Die-hard fans

Many people believe that they will meet again in heaven. And based on this gravestone, we are pretty sure that Sharon and Leon will meet to play pool!
Many people design their gravestones according to their likes, their beliefs, their life journeys of their occupations. Therefore, this couple requested a headstone that resembled a pool table, the activity they enjoyed most.
It’s wonderful to be able to roam through a cemetery and see the different personalities that are resting there. Looking at this gravestone, we can tell that this couple enjoyed life and knew how to have a good time!
17. Making the right decision

It’s important to look at life more philosophically. Finding the purpose of your life is like going on a quest, or taking on an adventure.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you always learn from your experiences. The idea of having a life philosophy is to put things into perspective.
In the case of this person, who was buried with this funny message, we can see that his attitude towards life was positive and proactive, even if mistakes were made along the way. And I guess those mistakes are alright, even when your choice puts you six feet underground.
18. A guardian angel

Throughout time, angels have been one of the most favorite motifs at the cemetery. Angels are symbols of religious belief, and they come in many shapes and forms. Usually, you may find angels with their wings spread, who are supposed to escort the person to heaven.
Also, there are angels who are pointing downwards, representing a sudden, unexpected departure. Angels praying, as well angels weeping in grief are also commonly found.
However, an angel waiting with such a bored look on his face is a breath of fresh air. This statue is also kind of irreverent, which makes it even funnier. Maybe he is waiting for this poor soul to finally decide what he wants!