Going to the beach is definitely one of the most entertaining activities to enjoy during the summer. Think about it: everybody is in a relaxed mood, sipping a refreshing drink in front of the sea and basking in the sun. It is, undoubtedly, the perfect place to let go of the stress.
However, it is also a spot where people feel very playful and maybe a little bit too careless. Since it is a place with little surveillance, there are those who don’t necessarily stick to the rules and some situations turn out to be, well, weird.
Take a look at these hilarious moments that people have witnessed at the beach, a place where the craziest things can happen!
1. Careful with the crocodile!

Swimming in the sea can be very risky, especially when there are dangerous sea creatures in the water. Usually, people worry about being bitten by sharks, stepping on a stingray or getting stung by a jellyfish, which are the most known risks.
Thus, when authorities are aware that there is such a danger at the beach, they usually put up a sign to prevent people. And this sign in particular is simply hilarious! Crocodiles are semi-aquatic reptiles that live in swamps, rivers and freshwater habitats, so finding one at the beach would be pretty odd. This silly sign just doesn’t make any sense!
2. An unexpected beachgoer

Some go to the beach to catch up some rays, while others love to play a beach sport or read a book by the ocean. One may say that the beach is for everybody, and that also includes animals! I mean, we all know how much dogs love a day in the sand, right?
What many don’t actually know is that, in many places around the world, cows are also regular beachgoers! Locals believe that cows like to cool down during smoldering days, and that salty water helps them keep parasites at bay. Hey, it’s a funny sight, but nature is always wise!
3. Well, maybe the beach is not really for everybody

“Get me out of here!” is what comes to mind when looking at the face of this little fella! Although there might be some exceptions, cats are well known for seriously disliking water, and judging by this picture, this poor kitty is having a terrible time.
Even when most pets want to be by their owners’ side all the time, it seems like this furry black cat could have just stayed home, taking a nap in his favorite spot. Hopefully this girl didn’t make the kitty go in the water: we can only imagine his face if he still had to have the salty water rinsed off after this torture!
4. Burn, baby, burn!

Ouch, that must have stung! This guy made one of the most common, yet painful, mistakes at the beach: he didn’t apply sunblock cream and fell asleep under the sun.
What’s hysterically funny is that he did so while he was drinking from a bottle of whatever his favorite drink is, making this pic of a bottle’s mark on his chest an absolute classic!
Curiously, it is a known fact that many men absolutely hate to put on sunscreen. Whether it’s the gooey texture, or the fact that they need to re-apply it every four hours, they really don’t like it! However, we are pretty sure that this guy will not ditch his sunscreen the next time!
5. What is this kid doing?

Wait a minute! Is that kid…peeing by the shore? Indeed, he is! We can easily picture the whole situation: the boy tells his mother that he has to pee, and she says, go ahead and pee in the water. And, as he is very obedient, he went straight to the shore, and went number one!
This kid really cracked us up! Children are so innocent that they tend to do things as they are told, no questions asked! Although we can imagine that his mom must have been pretty embarrassed, we are also pretty sure that she is going to be clearer the next time!
6. But first, let me take a selfie

People’s resourcefulness can be very refreshing and, in this case, pretty funny! Look at this group of friends enjoying a day at the beach. They really wanted to capture this special bonding moment, but they didn’t have a camera. No cellphone either? No problem! A laptop camera can easily do the trick!
Some may think that taking selfies has become an annoying habit. Nonetheless, we truly believe that these beautiful ladies were enjoying themselves so much, that they had to take a picture to cherish it forever! Either way, the idea was pretty clever, right? Maybe it was not ideal for the beach, but it certainly did the trick!
7. It’s an underwater monster!

Imagine you’re laying on your towel, covered in sun lotion, and relaxed as can be. Then a woman walks past you, all slimy and black, as if she were wearing a pitch black suit. We think it could be scary, but only if it weren’t so damn funny!
Besides bathing in the sea, some people like to take mud baths. They cover their entire bodies in mud. And the benefits are numerous: it has anti-inflammatory properties, removes impurities and improves skin condition, among others.
The sighting of mud bathers is very funny, though. But hey, you get a beauty treatment for free that you can easily rinse off!
8. Better safe than sorry!

This must be one of the strangest images we’ve ever stumbled upon, and it’s funny as hell, too! We are talking about what seems like a group of tourists entering the water, wearing some kind of self-made cages, probably to protect themselves against sharks.
The idea is ludicrous, and we can tell that the cages won’t serve any purpose either, other than slowing them down whenever they try to swim back to shore.
However, the fact that they still venture off into what they believe are dangerous waters armed with their own protection equipment is pretty courageous, right? We can’t blame them for trying!
9. Flying kites is a no-go

Seems like people in charge of this beach’s safety were trying to be funny when they came up with this sign, and it kind of worked! Normally, we are used to looking at signs that forbid us to do things.
In this case, local authorities decided to play a joke on visitors by giving them a great idea, followed immediately by a big turn down! However, the message is delivered in a rather soft way, which makes it not so unfriendly.
A lot of people love to fly kites, but unfortunately, the practice has been banned at many beaches due to safety issues, as authorities say it may cause accidents.
10. The Garfield Phenomenon

Remember Garfield, the adorable, yet moody orange cat that was the favorite cartoon of many children and grown-ups, in the 1990s? Well, merchandise of this funny cat was sold around the world, including telephones.
And here is where it gets funny: hundreds of Garfield telephones have been found at the shores of many French beaches. What’s the cause of this strange phenomenon, you may ask? Investigators found the source of the mysterious feline phones: they came from an abandoned shipping container that was stuck in a sea cave.
After more than 30 years, the mystery was solved. However, telephones of the cartoon are still being found across French shores.
11. Wherever life takes you!

Many people love the thrill of enjoying new experiences, and some of them like to venture out to sea. This usually means to get on a boat, go kayaking, surfing or even go diving. However, it seems like this particular guy had a different thing in mind.
We don’t know exactly what his final destination was meant to be. However, it’s clear that it didn’t turn out to be the way it was supposed to! Kidding aside, the person driving this car ended up being washed out to sea, which makes for a funny picture, but also for a hairy situation!
12. Life is bananas!

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits around the world. We all know that kids love them, and monkeys too! They are sweet, very fulfilling and plain delicious.
That’s why we can totally understand why this lady decided to bring some bananas to the beach, as one banana can be considered a smart snack.
However, it might not be the smartest choice when you will be surrounded by monkeys, which is what happened to this lovely girl at the beach. When reaching for her banana, a large group of monkeys immediately showed up, begging for a bite! They are pretty cute, though!
13. Take a plunge!

There is nothing like a good splash of water in the face to refresh yourself, but this baby elephant went a step further and plunged his face directly into the water! It’s fair to say that many of us feel like doing the same during smoldering days.
Curiously, it’s known that elephants love water and that they’re terrific swimmers. They get in to cool down, wrestle playfully with other members of the herd, and swim long distances.
However, this little fella went the extra mile! This image is as funny as it is cute. It truly seems like he was having a great day at the beach, and that is all that matters, right?
14. Better safe than sorry!

If this photograph doesn’t make you laugh out loud, nothing ever will! We really wonder where this picture was taken, as a girl actually thought that someone would want to steal her flip-flops at the beach, and even went to great lengths to secure them using a bike lock!
While everybody is aware that the beach is a place where people are usually distracted and something may get lost or even stolen, we think that a pair of flip-flops wouldn’t be considered a priority, but hey, to each their own! Ah! The beach is seriously full of meme-worthy moments, isn’t it?
15. The best sunscreen ever

Many of us know how important it is to stay away from direct sunlight. However, spending a day at the beach makes that almost impossible. To protect themselves, most people wear hats, put up an umbrella, and slather on copious amounts of sunblock. Others look for other, rather curious, alternatives.
Just like the girl from this picture. Covering herself with a towel did not seem to cut it, so she also wore a long-sleeved blouse with a hoodie to cover almost every inch of her body.
Her feet were left out, though, so we bet she still had a mean sunburn after hours of sleeping under the sunlight.
16. Looking for a signal

Relax, breathe and log-in? This picture is an example of how much people depend on computers nowadays! From the looks of it, this guy was not willing to leave his laptop at home to go to the beach. Or who knows? Maybe he is a digital nomad who prefers to work outdoors!
Whatever the reason, this image is pretty funny. Also, the guy seems to have everything he could possibly wish for: lots of food, a 12-pack of soda, a comfortable cooler that doubles as a seat, and his beloved personal computer. We just hope he has a very good portable Wi-Fi hotspot, too!
17. An epic photo fail!

Family photo sessions are very important, as they capture unique moments to be cherished forever. Thus, the beach seems to provide the perfect backdrop: it offers soothing waves, warm natural lighting, and a relaxed ambiance.
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the session will be a total success, especially when young children are involved. Just take a look at this couple juggling with their two kids. Like, literally juggling.
The poor boys are being swung in the air by the arm, and the youngest one looks like he is about to fall pretty hard. We feel bad saying this, but the perfectly-timed take is pretty funny! We just hope she caught him on time!
18. An unconventional ride

This picture is downright hilarious, and we don’t even know where to begin. Truly, we have so many questions! Is it a Mexican hat on the tiny dog’s head? Is it a Chihuahua with sunglasses and a cigar? And ultimately, who came up with this cart, so that the dog could take that baby for a ride?
Judging by this picture, this dog already knows what the deal is, as he seems to have done this many times before. Just look at his poise, his cool vibe, and the pride in his face as he takes that baby strolling along the beach. Whoever took this pic gets extra points for originality!
19. That’s gotta hurt

Seriously, just looking at these badly sunburned feet makes us cringe! This poor person must have thought that applying sunscreen on his feet was not necessary, and boy was he wrong! As a matter of fact, feet must always be included when slathering on sunblock!
The fact that this man’s legs are white as snow makes us think that he probably felt very protected against the sun and didn’t think of applying sunscreen at all. As a result, his feet are now candidates for a home remedy, including some aloe vera and lots of lotion. If he had only worn socks!
20. You go first!

Burying someone in the sand is one of the most popular activities at the beach. Kids love it, even though it can be very uncomfortable to have sand getting into your bathing suit. Also, some people love to make figures, so there is always the occasional mermaid, or someone with a fish tail.
Nevertheless, sometimes things can get a little out of hand. Like this poor guy right here, who put himself into the hands of his friends, never thinking that they would take advantage of this precious opportunity to provide him with, let’s say, more female attributes. Next time, he’ll definitely not go first!
21. Not your regular sand sculpture

There are many types of sand art, but the most common one is building sand sculptures. Competitions are held around the world to showcase the creations of the best artists in this particular field, and there are also amateurs who are quite talented.
Take, for example, this man, who spent hours of his precious beach time to build himself the ideal bonfire spot, making a perfect circle made of sand and water. He even included seats for all of his buddies.
Now, this really seems like a guy who knows how to enjoy life, doesn’t it? We are pretty sure he can make yummy s’mores, too!