Some of you may remember the famous sitcom “I Dream of Jeannie”, which ran from 1965 to 1970. This NBC sitcom released a total of 139 episodes.
There are some curious and also many funny facts that are still unknown to the viewers. So let’s take a look at these things and you will be surprised!
1. A studio guard informed Hagman about the ending of the show

It is a strange ending for Hagman, because he learned about the end of the show by chance. He actually just went quickly to the dressing room to get something. In this situation he was suddenly and unexpectedly informed by the guard about the end of the show. Continue reading.
2. Barbara Eden becoming a mom

It sounds incredible, but Barbara Eden was actually pregnant when she acted in the first episodes. We didn’t notice it because she covered her stomach. That must have been a special challenge for the costume designers.
Eden is a powerful woman with a strong will. She did a great job despite her pregnancy!
3. No theme song

There is no sitcom that would survive without a theme song, right? Nearly, but this sitcom started without a theme song. The first season of ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ was published without its own song.. The show was made without colors. But there was a remake so that the first episodes were colored.
4. A dangerous job

Barbara Eden played a dangerous role, but she did a great job as a lion whisperer. The lion had no problems with Jeannie. But the lion roared to Hagman. Maybe the lion immediately fell in love with Jeannie and wanted to protect her? We are very glad that Hagman survived!
5. There was a quite different story that was planned before the sitcom released

Originally Jeannie should have been turned into a genie who was forced to live inside a bottle. So there were different plans for this story. But we are glad that this brutal story did not prevail. We really prefer the romantic love story, even though their marriage was not a good idea.
6. Barbara Eden was convinced that the marriage between Tony and Jeannie was a mistake

There was a special love between Tony and Jeannie. But why was their marriage a mistake according to Barbara Eden? She said that it destroyed the sexual tension. And she was not a human being so it would not fit with the story. She was right and fans did not welcome the marriage.
7. The bedroom doors were never closed

The sitcom started in 1965 and there were other rules for producers. At this time there were strict censorship rules. The show was forced to show Jeannie leaving the room. Today’s people cannot understand this rules. But we should not forget that it was back in the late 60s.
8. The last TV show that was filmed without colors

You already know that the show did not have a theme song at the beginning. Nevertheless, the first show was special at that time. It was the last TV show that was published in black and white. But people still liked the show despite the black and white version of the show.
9. Who was Jeannie’s twin sister?

Did you realize that the evil twin sister was played by Barbara Eden? No? Don’t worry! Most of the people did not realize that the twin sister was played by Barbara Eden. But it shows her great ability to play different roles. That is why she was successful after the show.
10. The pilot episode were made in the middle of the winter

The pilot episode used to represent a desert. The location was Zuma Beach in Malibu in the middle of the winter. It was pretty cold but Eden said that it was her favorite episode.
But she was not afraid of a lion, so why should she care about the weather?
11. The lion

When the lion started roaring, everyone panicked, with one exception, Barbara Eden. She was not afraid and began to pet the lion to make a great picture. Who else would dare to pet a huge lion? Barbara Eden is a very brave person. And a very attractive one at that!
12. Frightening facts about the show

We don’t want to frighten you, but did you know that Phil Spector participated in this show? The famous music producer played a role with Barbara Eden in the episode where she wanted to become a singer. In 2003 he murdered the actress Lana Clarkson. We will only tell you a few facts in passing.
13. The original Jeannie Bottle was kept in a bank vault

Jeannie really loved her role as Jeannie. She kept the Jeannie bottle in a personal bank vault for a long time before giving it away to a museum in D.C. At least this bottle was a prop that was shown on one of the most famous television shows. It must have been difficult for her to part with it.
14. The hard work of the costumes designers

You may not know that nearly all costumes were destroyed because of her heels. So the costumes designers had to create new ones all the time. Many costumed did not survive for a long time. That is why she wore so many costumes, but we like the variety of costumes.
15. Did you know how Jeannie’s bottle was made?

We hope that you did not expect too much. For the bottle was actually not very special or even a high-tech prop. The bottle was simply crafted for it is in fact an old Jim Bean decanter.
We hope we did not disappoint you, but these are the true facts.
16. The sad end of the set after the production stopped

Greta Thunberg would not be amused of the fact that the set was burned down after the production had come to an end. But it was common practice in Hollywood at this time. It was cheaper to destroy everything rather than storing the props. Today these things would to a scandal.
17. Further censorship rules you did not know

You may not believe it, but Jeannie’s Belly Button was not allowed on TV. Why not? We don’t know, just like we don’t know why it was allowed to show the clipping. The censorship regulations were strict and at the same time somehow strange. So the belly button always stayed nicely in the waistband.
18. Publicity Stunt that turned out as a bad idea

NBC organized a fake wedding just a short time before the wedding episode was shown. But the producers did not reach their goal. Instead, the people hated this episode such as the idea of the fake wedding. But nobody wanted to listen to Eden, for she was not amazed, too.
19. What was the inspiration for the TV show?

The producers were inspired by the movie The Brass Bottle. Barbara Eden was even part of the film The Brass Bottle.
The Movie was published in 1964 and was inspired by a novel that was written by Thomas Anstey in the 1900. The novel was also called The Brass Bottle. The series became even more popular than the movie already was.
20. The show ended up as a loosely-based cartoon

Hanna-Barberach changed the layout of the show and turned it into a loosely designed cartoon. But with these changes she was not successful. The story was broadcast for two years.It was about a teenager who found a genie in a bottle that protected him from dangerous people. But then rather our blonde Barbara.
21. Did you realize that the bottle changed its color?

Many fans did not realize that the color of the bottle was changed during the show. Jeannie’s bottles was originally painted in smoke-green. Later the bottle turned out to be purple.
But does it really matter? No, but we just wanted to tell you about it. Maybe the charming Jeannie needed a change of scenery.
22. Late success

The show was actually not as famous as it seems. The popularity reached its climax when reruns were aired on TV. Reruns were aired by a television station in New York and this show stayed popular for a long time due to this rerun.
Nevertheless, it is an amazing fact, due to the age of this sitcom.
23. The husband of Barbara Eden played a role as a bad guy

Barbara Eden’s beloved husband, Michael Ansara, played the role of the blue djinni. So he played the role of the villain in this show. We hope very much that he was not a villain during their years of marriage. But actually we are convinced that he was a good guy.
24. Larry Hagman after the show

What happened with the career of Larry Hagman after the end of the show? He stayed active and even got two Emmy nominations. Apart from that he also received four Golden Globe nominations.
He appeared on different TV shows like The Simpson or Dallas. So he was also after the show successful.
25. The lie about the NASA Astronauts

There are some facts that are not truth that were proclaimed in the show. The sitcom said that NASA Astronauts were stationed in Florida. That is not true!
For the true location was in Texas instead of Florida. It is actually not important, but we wanted to tell you about it, in case that you want to search the location.
26. The reunion of Eden and Hagman

After decades Eden and Hagman played a common role on Dallas. There was even a marriage on this show, and we still remember about their marriage on the show ‘I Dream of Jeannie’.
At least their marriage in Dallas seemed to be not a problem for the fans.What a beautiful couple.
27. Barbara Eden and the Space Day 1996

Barbara Eden held a speechfor space days 27 years later after the show had ended up. The speech took place at the Kennedy Space Center. For this reason there is a street sign named ‘I Dream of Jeannie’. She is indeed a strong personality and an overwhelming actress in the USA.
28. The life of Eden after the show

She did not stop her career and continued her job as a actress. Eden was nominatedfor two Golden Globe Awards. She appeared on tv shows like Valle, Dallas or Harper.
Barbara Eden shows that she is a talented actress even after years. She is an enrichment for her fans and the film industry.
29. Is there any connection between ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ and ‘Bewitched’?

Yes, the show ‘Bewitched’ is linked to the sitcom ‘I Dream of Jeannie’. For Paul Lynde appeared on these shows.
So there is a connection between these shows as many fans already assumed. So the magic of ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ affected other shows. Her great job as an actress inspired many people.
30. Strange behavior of Hagman

There are some strangefacts about Hagman. He once went inside a supermarket in a very weird chicken suit. He seems to have an eccentric personality but we still love him for his great job on the show ‘I Dream of Jeannie’ and hope that he will change his suit quick.