“Dog shaming” is a new, innocent Internet trend where owners share pictures of their beloved dogs after they’ve done something naughty, with a written description of their transgression. The result is a vast array of adorable photos and hilarious short stories of what kind of trouble these canines have gotten into.
We’ve compiled our 19 favorite dog shaming pictures which are sure to give you a good laugh. The look of guilt on their little faces is priceless. These pups are so cute, that there’s no way their owners were able to stay mad at them for very long!
1. Doggie Diet Rebel

This adorable, round little pup was not impressed with the new diet her owner tried to put her on. This dog is clearly boycotting the new diet food and wants her bacon back! So what does a pup have to do to get mom’s attention and show her disapproval? I guess in this chubby puppy’s mind, the solution was to attack all the shoes!
Well, eating her owner’s shoe definitely worked to get attention, but was it worth it? This sweet little dog’s look of guilt on her face couldn’t be more adorable, looking away from the camera in shame.
2. Airing Her Dog’s Dirty Laundry

This dog is trying to be a good laundry helper, but doesn’t quite understand the process. Dogs don’t understand why their owners would want to smell like laundry detergent instead of like their furry pets. Clearly something needs to be done about this! This dog, eager to help, got straight to work.
This sweet brown and white pup seems to think he accomplished his task of making the clean laundry smell like dog, something he apparently does often. After all that hard work, it’s time to relax and take a nice, long nap. Mission accomplished!
With a face so sweet, how can you possibly stay mad at him?
3. Busted with Catnip

We all know how cats go crazy for catnip, but did you know that dogs love it too? An herbal remedy, catnip is completely safe for dogs to also indulge in. Often referred to as “weed for cats”, catnip has a similar calming effect on animals and is even suggested by veterinarians to treat anxiety, muscle spasms, and trouble sleeping for both dogs and cats.
Knowing this, it’s no wonder this dog wants a hit of the good stuff! Now all he wants to do is chill out with the cat’s catnip toy. He’s obviously going out of his way to hide under the couch to not get caught. That guilty look on his face says it all.
4. Midnight Snack

You know those late night cravings when you can’t sleep, and you find yourself scouring the fridge for a midnight snack? This hungry pup knows the feeling all too well. His owner caught him red-handed chomping down on a couple of steaks, and the expression on his face is priceless.
It’s actually quite impressive how this little dog has figured out how to open the fridge. He clearly knew the steaks were in there, and was waiting for the right moment to make his move. When his owner opened the fridge, he immediately dropped the steak from his mouth, with a look on his face that says, “Wasn’t me!”
5. “I Can Explain”

This dog takes pillow fights to a whole new level! This guilty pup had a little too much fun with some pillows while his owner was away. The result is a giant mess of pillow fluff in the kitchen that must have taken a while to clean up.
It’s hilarious how this dog is simply sitting in the middle of the mess and looking at his owner, so guilty and so cute at the same time. Sometimes instead of getting upset, you just need to get your phone out to take a photo to remember these funny moments. At the end of the day, it’s all part of being a pet owner.
6. Gassy Pup

Oh, we can just imagine this awkward moment! There’s no good solution when it comes to your dog farting in an elevator. If you tell people it was the dog, they will probably think you’re just blaming the dog and won’t believe you. But if you don’t say anything, they’ll assume it was you. Talk about a lose-lose situation!
The only solution is to share your frustration with dog owners on the Internet who understand this situation all too well. Dog farts can be absolutely lethal! And they choose the most awkward timing to let them rip. We sympathize with you, embarrassed dog owner.
7. Do I Look Pretty, Mom?

This pooch was literally caught red handed getting into trouble. Imagine getting up from a nap and seeing your tiny dog covered in red lipstick and money chewed up all over the floor – there’s no doubt it came as a big shock to this dog owner. Guilty as charged!
This little cutie is giving his owner his best puppy-dog eyes to avoid getting in trouble. At least his shenanigans only cost his owner three dollars. Getting that lipstick stain out of the couch and out of the dog’s fur, on the other hand? That’s going to take some hard work.
8. Out of Toilet Paper – Again

Time to go on another Costco run to buy some more toilet paper in bulk. Looks like this dog goes through it quite often! But with such a sweet, innocent face, it’s impossible that he’s in too much trouble.
It’s hilarious what dogs find entertaining. You can buy them the best dog toys on the market, and they will still prefer playing with things like toilet paper. It’s a constant battle for a dog owner. All in all, it looks like this pup has no regrets. He looks pretty darn proud of himself for thoroughly destroying this roll of toilet paper.
9. Sock Thief Duo

These mischievous pups are teaming up to conquer the world one sock at a time. These pups agree: so many socks, so little time. This goes to show that the life of a dog is very busy, and certainly never boring!
The sock thief pup looks absolutely exhausted from a full day of sock collecting. Looks like his buddy just tags along to reap the rewards of what the other dog finds, chomping down on one sock after another. There’s never a dull moment for a dog owner with two puppies in the house! Good luck finding matching socks ever again with these two around.
10. Flip Flop Finley

Was it is with dogs chewing on shoes? Why the obsession for so many canines? Apparently, shoes hold a wide variety of scents – for us, it’s disgusting, but for a dog it’s irresistible. They especially like their owner’s shoes because it smells like them. Funny enough, science has shown that chewing on shoes is even a stress reliever for dogs! Go figure.
Even though chewing on shoes is fun for doggies, they know it’s a big no-no. Look at sweet Finley’s face as he knows he let temptation get the best of him, clearly regretting his decision. Hope the house cleaner didn’t quit after this incident!
11. Confession Time

Time for this pup to fess up. Eating the Holy Bible has got to be a cardinal sin, right? Or maybe this pooch is just super passionate about the Word of God and can’t get enough. Either way, he’s gotta break this Bible eating habit!
Shredding and eating paper is somehow extremely entertaining for dogs. With the pages in the Bible being super thin and crinkly, it must have taken the fun to a whole new level for this adventurous canine. With such a sweet face, surely this crime must be forgivable? We’ll keep this dog in our prayers.
12. Little Bulldozer

This little pooch is having too much fun in his doggie wheelchair – at his big furry friend’s expense! The yellow lab in the background does not look impressed.
Dog wheelchairs came on the scene in 2001, giving handicapped dogs the greatest gift they could ever receive, the gift of mobility. It is truly devastating for a dog to lose its ability to walk because of an injury, accident, or illness. A doggie wheelchair allows handicapped dogs to run and play again – and get into all kinds of trouble again, of course!
Thanks to the wheelchair, this cheeky little pug can have all the fun he wants to now.
13. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Pet owners know the risk of putting up Christmas decorations around the house. They know an ornament might get broken, or a stocking might get chewed up. But I bet these dog owners didn’t expect their entire Christmas tree to come crashing down! Timber!
And who should be sitting there so angelically, right in front of the scene of the crime? The furry perpetrator of course. He’s giving his owners his best puppy dog eyes to avoid getting in trouble. He’s hoping he doesn’t make it on Santa’s naughty list this year! We hope they forgave him in the spirit of Christmas.
14. Poopin’ Like a Unicorn

Imagine after doing some arts and crafts, you can’t find your bottle of glitter anywhere, until you finally realize it was stolen and eaten by your tiny dog. And then, to your even bigger surprise, you see the most glittery poop you can imagine when you take her for a walk! What goes in, must come out of course.
This super cute pup has clearly forgotten about the bottle of glitter she ate earlier and just thinks she’s been promoted to unicorn status. After a series of sparkly poops, that sweet little grin on her face says it all; she’s showing her owner how proud she is of herself of becoming a unicorn pup. This little cutie is feeling awfully magical after all those glitter poops came out.
15. Sandwich Bandit

Picture this scenario: You get home from work with a sub you picked up on the way home. You go to the bathroom, get changed out of your work clothes, and head over to the kitchen where you left your sub sandwich on the counter – only, it’s not there anymore. You look around, puzzled, only to realize your dog is also mysteriously quiet and out of sight. Walking up the stairs, you see lettuce, tomato, and other traces of your delicious sub up the steps. Then, you hear little grunts of sub eating ecstasy behind your bed – your little pug has shamelessly eaten the entire sandwich! What a stinker.
This adorable pup has the guiltiest look on his face after losing all self control and eating his owner’s sandwich.
16. Mess of Epic Proportions

Here’s a mess of epic proportions. Can you imagine coming home from a long day, expecting your floors to be clean from the robot vacuum, but instead there’s poop smeared literally everywhere in your house? Let this be a lesson to dog owners everywhere – don’t set your robot vacuum at the same time your dog is left alone at home! It’s just not worth the risk.
And what does the pug have to say for himself? Not a tinge of guilt in those round, dark eyes. He looks absolutely oblivious to the level of havoc he wreaked that day.
17. Got Skunked

Why, oh why, do dogs like to sniff butts? Funny enough, dogs sniffing each other’s butts has been compared to the way humans shake hands. Because of certain chemicals found only on a dog’s rear end, sniffing these chemicals will give the dog important information about the other dog. Things like how old a dog is, whether they are healthy or sick, male or female, can all be learned from a butt sniff. Pretty crazy!
Well, this butt sniff to a skunk unfortunately didn’t go as planned for this doggie. He still has a stunned look in his eyes after getting sprayed in the face with a disgusting odor. Hopefully his owner has some luck washing out that foul smell.
18. Persistant Pup

Dogs can be just like little kids sometimes. Anyone with a kid knows the annoyance of them asking for something over and over again until you finally give it to them. Well, this dog was no different, demanding the soft, pink blanket to be given over to her at once, leaving her owner cold and without one. What a diva.
This dog looks like she believes she should be treated as a princess. Even with a sign publicly shaming her actions, she looks like she couldn’t care less, refusing to even look at the camera. It’s obvious who runs the show at this home!
19. The Paper Shredder

Who needs to buy a mechanical paper shredder when you have this pup around? This family clearly has no need to buy anything fancy, just give any papers you need shredded to the dog, and you’ll find them in a million pieces around your house. Mission accomplished!
Seriously though, what a mess! Hopefully there was nothing important in there, because these papers are now unrecognizable. No doubt the mess can be found in other parts of the house, too. The perpetrator, a yellow lab, looks guilty as charged, crouched over in shame. He looks like he learned his lesson, don’t you think?